Thursday, 3 September 2015


✿ Assalamualaikum ✿ 

Hi everyone! Welcome to my very last post. Er, this is such an additional post that I wanted to create, just feeling like writing something for the last time to my readers (if I have any, but Hi sir! I know you are reading this :D ) So, is it sad for this to end? Well, I don't think so. In fact, I am feeling happy and proud of myself because I managed to cover all the sub-topics that I wrote in my blog proposal. Hehe. It is such an achievement. You know, with the hectic schedule, tasks and other assignments. I still searching for some times just to finish updating this blog, entry by entry.

I really hope that all my posts are worth to read. Instead of my aim to complete this task, I found that I have gained many new knowledge that I never get before along my journey in finishing those entries. I do a lot of reading in order for me to get the accurate information on the specific topics that I wrote. Furthermore, my other aim is also want all of my readers to increase their general knowledge as well. Together we learn and know something new in our lives.

So here it is, a humble and honest master-piece that I've poured with all my love (huhuhuhuhu) just to give my very best and hoping for the very best result. In shaa Allah. 

I would like to apologize if my posts had ever offence any parties and hurt any feelings. Deep down in my heart, I am sorry. If you ever wanted to say a word to me, you can always comment in the comment box below of any entries OR if you are a shy types of person, you can directly contact me through private message. I am open for any question as long as it is relevant. Yessss. 

So I guess that's all. Bye readers, bye sir and bye everyone! Though you've gone through a bad day, trust me, there's a better day waiting for you. So kipidap, dongibab, yukenduit! (Hahahaha someone must be annoyed with these words. Well neither did I) Put a smile on your face, show them you're an amazing creature standing! Salaam ☺

p/s: excuse my metaphor writing in this post 

Reference List

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Earthquake Causes Shaking in Saint Lucia, Martinique. (2015). Retrieved September 3, 2015, from http://caribjournal.com/2015/05/14/earthquake-causes-shaking-in-saintt-lucia-martinique/

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12 migrants drown off Turkish coast, 2 still missing. (2015). Retrieved September 3, 2015, from http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/world/europe/report-migrants-drown-missing-off-turkish-coast/article_1c23fa45-9328-5065-8b9d-fac0eac89d65.html 

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Bilefsky, D. (2012). A Fashion Magazine Unshy About Baring a Bit of Piety. Retrieved September 3, 2015, from http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/29/world/europe/a-turkish-fashion-magazine-ala-is-unshy-about-showing-some-piety.html?_r=0 

 Kulers, G. (2014). Advice for last-minute wine shopping for Turkey Day. Retrieved September 3, 2015, from http://www.ajc.com/news/lifestyles/advice-for-last-minute-wine-shopping-for-turkey-da/njBMm/

Kaldellis, A. (2013). The Making of Hagia Sophia and the Last Pagans of New Rome. Retrieved September 3, 2015, from https://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/journal_of_late_antiquity/v006/6.2.kaldellis.html


Natural Disaster That Happened in Turkey


Hi everyone! So basically this is my last chapter for this topic which is my blog is all about Turkey. So I am so excited to be telling you this because this is one of my favorite things to share with you about what happened in Turkey. Well, you can see from the title above what is this entry is going to tell you. Natural disaster. Yes. Why don't we start with the definition first? Though I believe that all of you know what natural disaster is, but I just want to state it clearly the actual meaning of it. Just for your general knowledge, natural disaster is a natural event such as flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes a huge damage or loss of life. Based on what I've found on the internet, a natural disaster that happened in a particular place, state or even the whole country can cause loss of life or property damage and obviously leaves some economic damage as well. And you know, this took a very long time to recover the whole thing that is destroyed.

Example of natural disasters ☟ ☟ ☟

Tsunami hit the Honolulu 


Huge flood that hit one of the cities in China

Fellow readers, natural disaster does happens to all part of the world and it can destroy people's lives and the environments and places in which they live. It is obviously God's decision to make it happen and we as a normal human being has no power to stop it all. It can happen anytime that caused by nature and there is nothing that we can do to prevent them from happening. Moreover, there are many types of natural disasters and we need to be extra aware of it to ever happen so that we can prepare when such disasters do arrive.

As you can see from the title, I am going to tell you about natural disaster that happened in Turkey, which is earthquake. So generally earthquake is one of the types of natural disaster that can cause many fatalities like any other natural disaster when it happens. The movements of the plates in the earth's crust cause them. Well, earthquake is something like those plates don't usually move smoothly and get stuck, causing a build-up of pressure. So when this pressure is released, than the earthquake occurs. In fact, earthquake that happen under the water can cause a tsunami, as the quake causes a huge waves by pushing large volumes of water to the surface.

Earthquake that happened in Turkey hit the Izmit on 17th August 1999. The later research shows an estimation that there was a 12% chance of this earthquake to occur in Turkey in the 30 years from 1996-2026.

Turkish residents sit in front of their destroyed apartment caused by the earthquake

Furthermore, it is stated in the International Business Times, over 17,000 of people were killed from the incident. "The tremor struck in the middle of the night, meaning many victims were asleep in bed with no change to flee." (Ghosh, 2011). The worse thing is, it hits Izmit that has a large population and industrialized city. As a result, many people died from falling debris, while the whole neighborhoods collapsed and vanished. Plus, many buildings were destroyed and most of the victims have no place to be their shelter. It was a powerful earthquake as it destroyed the buildings in Istanbul which was 50 miles away from the earthquake actually took place. Then it even caused the highway between Istanbul and Ankara to sway and that has caused most of the cars crashed.

On the other hand, the earthquake caused a fire at a local oil refinery as well. It caused more than 700, 000 tons of stored oil destroyed. Thus, it took several days for the inferno to get under control. Basically, as what has been recorded, the natural disaster had wounded 44, 000 people and created 500, 000 homeless. Thus, the World Bank has made an estimation of the property losses. The quake had caused approximately up to $6.5 billion in direct property losses.

Here is some pictures of how the Izmit looks like after got hit by the earthquake.

The wreckage of houses

Hospital that is destroyed by the quake

Generally, by seeing this natural disaster that happens in any countries or even in our own country, it is something that we need to ponder. We don't know when the disaster strikes because it can hit us in anytime. So just a gentle reminder, we better be prepared for anything to happen. With that, I end my entry here and I really hope that I have shared with you plenty of information. As usual, if you have anything to ask, just buzz me in the comment box below. I will get to you as soon as I get the comment. Thank you for reading, everyone. Have a nice day ahead! ☺

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Turkey's Environment


Hello people! How are you guys doing. Well, I hope you are in a pink of health like me. Hehe. This is the second last post for the things that I want to share with you guys about Turkey. Actually there are plenty of stuffs that you can get when you truly dig about Turkey and its things. I'm sure you're going to love Turkey as you know all the beautiful information on this country and you might be feeling super excited to go to Turkey if you have any chance to visit there. Huhu. So for this entry, I would like to tell you on the environment in Turkey.

The very first thing is that I'm going to let you know is the climate of Turkey. Due to the mild climate, Turkey is acclaimed as the favorite vacation place for millions of people around the world. Moreover, because of the 4 seasons in this country, this has made Turkey as one of the beautiful countries in the world to visit. In addition, the climate in this country is subtropical with very pronounced contrast in temperature and humidity depending on the region. The variation of the unique landscape shaped by the natural became the reason why most of the tourists gave amazing feedback of this country. Plus, if the climate is well-behaved, then the flora and fauna are so much fascinating. During summer, the temperature in Turkey rises up tp 45°C and it's doesn't drop even though it is at a night time, it means that it didn't drop below than 30°C. Next, the sea water warms up tp +25 - +28°C. However, commonly many visitors enjoy the milder climate all along the coast of the Sea of Marmara. Did you know that the best time to visit a country like Turkey is May through September? Yes it is. Why on May? It is because, the whole coast is covered by fresh blooming flowers and amazing green vegetation. Even it is summer, but the heat doesn't get you burn, in fact you'll like the weather. Besides, the sea water is warm and comfy for you to swim. Hehe :) Next, why September? Did you know that September is basically the beginning of the velvet season? Yes it is. Velvet season is a time when day time and night time's temperature is differ a few degrees and the water temperature is just so cool.

Rilex your mind for awhile by watching this. Hehehe 

Alright people, that's enough. Stop staring at the picture. I know it's cool and addicting. Lol. So let's continue, um where did we stop just now? Oh ya, we are still talking about the climate in Turkey. Hehe.

On the other hand, the Black Sea coast of Turkey has also a mild winter and a very warm and comfy summer. Plus, the humidity is a little bit higher as the rain falls more often here. Yet the temperature is different as well, the average temperature is around +27°C and the water commonly at 24-26°C. If you are lucky enough to live in Turkey, you will get to experience it by yourself and be the witness of the year's season and see the season changing. It is so much fascinating.

Okay, let's move on to the population in Turkey. Well, generally population brings the meaning of all the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country. Or in a simple word, it is the living creatures that lives in such an area and build a society. So does the Turkey, this country population is estimated around 71.3 millions of people. Below is the table of data collection that I get based on the types of population in Turkey. View it.

Population in Turkey
Percentage (%)





Other populations:
Arab, Greek, Armenian, Jewish, Cherkessk and other ethnic minorities

hold the balances percentage

That's it. I hope by viewing the simple table that I made helps you to see it clearly on the types of population in Turkey as well as the estimation percentage of those population who are living in that country. 

Dear readers, I have one tips to share with you guys. Well, it is about when you are communicating with the Turks. In the population of Turkey, all the Turks are very honest and courteous. If you are facing such problem, for example, you are lost in somewhere and wanted to get back to your hotel or what not, the locals will always find a way to help you. For instance, they will show you the way for you to go back to your place, or they even send you by themselves. Here's the tip, if you are ever talk with the Turkish people, do not speak too fast (hurry). Just speak one at a time and your conversation will easily go smoothly with them. In addition, all the Turkish people pay much attention on etiquette. This means courtesy. They are being so respectful to those people who respect their traditions and culture. Besides, if you know a few words in Turkish, it is undoubtedly they will treat you even friendlier :D

Okay people, that's all about the climate and the population of the Turkish. Thank you for reading and don't forget to use the tips that I gave if you ever fly to Turkey! Till then, bye ☺

Turkish's Special Days


Hi everyone! This is one of my favorite post because I am so excited to tell you guys on the celebrations in Turkey. Just like other countries, Turkey has its own special days. So, let's get startedddd!



New Year

Fireworks during the new year celebration in Turkey

Turkey New Year's Day is similar like all countries in the world, which is on the 1st of January every year. The Turks usually celebrate their new year at home with their family or with their friends. It is like a common new year celebration where the Turks have some meals together while enjoying the public holiday.

National Sovereignty and Children's Day

The kids celebrate the National Sovereignty and Children's Day
\National Sovereignty and Children's Day is national holiday in Turkey. It is celebrated on every 23rd of April every year. The celebration is done is to remember the first opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey at Ankara in 1920.

Ataturk Commemoration and Youth & Sports Day

The celebration of Ataturk Commemoration and Youth & Sports Day 

The Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day in Turkey is the ceremonies and sport events throughout the country on every 19th of May per year. It is where the young Turkish athletes carry the Turkey flag from a Black Sea port to the country's capital to commemorate Turkey's War of Independence from 1919-1923.

Turkish Victory Day

The Turkish Victory Day

For your information, Victory Day is also a national holiday in Turkey. It is celebrated on every 30th of August. Besides that, this national day is been called as Armed Forces Day as well. Victory Day commemorates the victory in the Battle of Dumplupinar which was the decisive battle in the Turkish War of Independence in 1922.

Republic Day

The Turks celebrate the Republic Day
Most of the Turks celebrate the Republic Day on 29th of October each year. They attend the performances and participate in traditional processions with flags and musical bands. In addition, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who was the Turkish Republic's founder said that Republic Day is the Turkey's most important holiday.




Ramazan Bayrami

Ramazan Bayrami

It is a festival that takes 3 days. Sweet are eaten throughout the celebration, it is believed that this Ramazan Bayrami is to celebrate the end of the fasting month, which is Ramadhan. Besides that, Ramazan Bayrami is also known as "Seker (sweets) Bayrami", as all the families and friends will get candies when they are visiting the houses. 

Kurban Bayrami

Goat is the example of the animal that the Turks or all Muslim around the world slaughter for the Kurban eve

Kurban Bayrami or we are more familiar with the name of Eid Adha is the most important Islamic religious festival in every year. In Turkey, this festival take up until 4 days of holidays. It is not been celebrated by Turks only, in fact all Muslim around the entire world celebrate it. During this Kurban Bayrami, sacrificial sheep or cow are slaughtered and their meat are distributed to the poor. 


That's all for the special day and celebration in Turkey. Well, it is not much religious celebration as the majority of the Turks are Muslims. Thank you so much for reading. Do place your comment in the comment box below if you have any inquiries. Till then, bye! ☺

Business Etiquette in Turkey


Welcome to my new entry! :) Let's talk about business etiquette in Turkey. All countries around the world have their own business. The business run by them is somehow then contributes to the economy of their country. Well, in business, business etiquette is so crucial so that they flow of the business is going well and gain as many profit as they could. According to the definition in Google, business etiquette is a set of manners that is accepted or required in a profession. Often upheld by custom, it is enforced by the members of an organization. Those who violate business etiquette are considered offensive. The penalty for such behavior frequently lies in the disapproval of other organization members.

Fellow readers, business etiquette is more vital in these days than ever before. Moreover, with many new inventions of technology, business etiquette has found a new phase in the modern business world. On the other hand, business etiquette includes as a professional career. It is such a skill that you need to develop when you are in a business world. By having a business etiquette at a professional level will give you more benefits in building up leadership, enhancing careers, and expanding business good relationship. "Business etiquette is vitally important for creating a harmonious work environment and for representing your company in the best manner possible." (Fox, 2008).

So let's view the kind of business etiquette that is important of the Turkish people:

Corporate and Social Responsibilities 

Corporate social responsibility is an important matter in Turkey. It is because it helps in the business development for its stability and to sustain the resources as well as financial. Moreover, business interest in corporate sustainability as well as social responsibility is growing in Turkey. There is a survey done and the result shows that there is a rising awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility in Turkey. 


For your information, Turkish people are very traditional and formal when it comes to business matter. Hence, it is important for them in scheduling appointments in advance. Moreover, Turkish view punctuality as a vital thing and the other company that want to do business with them need to be punctual as well. When you are late, it is compulsory for you to call them as soon as possible and give a reasonable explanation so that they know the reason why you are late.

Gift Giving

In doing business, you need to keep the relationship good with your business partner. Well , in Turkey, it is not a big matter to give something as a gift, but if you are feeling like to do so, try to avoid giving expensive gifts and choose something small, such as a souvenir from your home country. Yet, for any social events like birthday, wedding and so on, giving gift is normal as for the Turks. By the way, Turkey is a Muslim country, so it is not advised to choose alcohol as a gift.

Business Dress Code

The dress code in Turkey is similar like any other developed countries. Whereby, men wear a conservative suit and tie, while women commonly wear business suits with either skirt or pants. Furthermore, during the summer season, lighter clothes are acceptable where men will be wearing a shirt and trousers with out a jacket and perhaps even a tie. But it depends on the formality of the business. On the other hand, women can wear lighter clothes as well, they can wear their preferred clothes without a jacket, but the clothes must not be too tight and revealing.

Business etiquette is so important because if you are lack with that, it may reduce your professional aspect in yourself. So I guess that's all for this post. Hope to see you in my next entry! Till then, bye ☺ 

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Politics in Turkey


Hello everyone! How's your day? I hope you're feeling well and you're surrounded by positive people and amazing people always. That is the thing that you should be thank for. There's nothing can beat the gift you get from Allah. Good people, food, shelter and your complete sense. Okay, that was just an introduction. Haha. I am feeling like wanted to pour some nice advices for you so that you'll be more relax. Yeah, who knows. You might be having a bad day today but there's many thing that can cover up your sadness, just be thankful. Okay? Okay. 

Well, the purpose of I'm writing this entry is... (look up on the title above). Haha. Yeah we are going to talk about politics! So dear politicians, please clear up your mind and be an open-minded. I won't touch on any sensitive issues, it will be just a simple introduction of politics in Turkey, so that you have the view on how the government in that country works. 

Dear people, in this modern era, we are living in a society where people are able to voice out their thoughts and opinions on anything that they want. They even can choose the ideal leader that they prefer and the election's result is basically based on the majority choice in any particular country. This is because every single individual can make their ideas known to the community. Well, as we already known, literally people who have similar views, opinions, thoughts and ideas tend to form groups together. Moreover, this kind of groups or we can called them parties are a crucial part of the political system in the country. Why groups or parties are important? It is because an individual alone cannot really change anything. He can say what he wants, voice out his opinions and ideas, yet if he is alone, it is difficult for him to make any changes. But, sometimes an idea or demonstration performed by an individual has the chance to have attention, yet it usually takes a group to be noticed. Furthermore, groups are much better because the larger the groups, the brighter the opportunities for them to be noticed by the government, thus this can cause changes.

One of the ways of these groups or parties is they are able to find as many people as they could who share thoughts and opinions that they are as a majority strongly feel about one, two or more specific issue(s). Hence, the advantages of these large group literally leave an impact to the government as the government tend to consider the ideas brought by these groups as to gain the votes of those people in that party during the general election.

Turkey Flag

In my opinion, a stable political system in a country is vital as it influences the flow of the government's performance, thus affect the lives of the people. Moreover, the political parties play a major role as well in developing a better political system. It is because without political parties, the government would not be able to exist and form the society and a country.

As for your general knowledge, The Republic of Turkey has functioned under a multi-party, which means that there are several parties under The Republic of Turkey that runs the government since 1945. Turkey democracy has experienced 3 military interventions, with the latest coup taking place in 1980 sweeping Suleyman Demirel who was later founded the DYP Party away from premiership. Next, in 1983, the military allowed Turkey to return to civilian power and elect Turgut Ozal, who was the leader of ANAP Party as Prime Minister.

Current days 

2015 Election

The 62nd government has resigned after the elections of 7th of June 2015. Later, each party need to try to form the goverment with coalition these days as none of the political parties have won the majority of the seats during the previous election. However, if there is a deadlock, then there will be an early elections in Turkey. In addition, during the previous election, Justice and Development Party (AKP) got 258 seats in the Parliament. While Peoples Republican Party (CHP) got 132 seats, National Movement Party (MHP) got 80 seats followed by Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) got 80 seats.

Several main political parties in Turkey are:

DSP (The Democratic Left Party)

Founded in 1985 by Rahsan Ecevit, wife of Bulen Ecevit. This center-left party has been led between 1987-2006 by Bulent Ecevit. It was minorty party until it won 76 parliamentary seats in December 1995 general elections.

CHP (The Republican People's Party)

Created in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, is now led by Mr. Kemal Kilicdaroglu. It has been a stronger centre-left party since its fusion, in February 1995, with then the main left-wing party SHP. 

MHP (National Action Party)

This ultra-nationalist party, which also known as the Grey Wolves, from the name of its youth movement. It was founded in 1969 by the late Alparslan Turkes. Structured as a typically para-military organization, MHP was a large responsible for the escalation of violence in the late 70s. 

AKP (Justice and Development Party)

It was found in 2001 as a pro-Islamist party by Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Gul. AKP gained higher votes in both local and general elections and had surprised the other political parties. In 2002, they won 34.3% of the total votes and became the first party from the polls. Abdullah Gul as the first Premiere, later was Tayyip Erdogan after his political ban ended. 

FAZILET (The Virtue Party)

In April 1997, the coalition government led by Mr. Erbakan fell apart under pressure of the military and the party was banned in January 1998 by the Constitutional Court. The leader of Refah (Wellfare Party) immediately creates a new party: Fazilet, the Virtue Party. 

My fellow readers, that's all about the Turkey politics and I have given you the list of several main political parties in that country. I really hope that somehow this entry can gain your general knowledge and maybe could help you out in any task that you are assigned. As usual, if you have any comments, do place them in the comment box below. Thank you for reading! Till then, bye! ☺

What's Behind Turkish National Anthem?


Hi earthlings! It is so nice to see you again. Well this time around, I will let you know the National Anthem of Turkey, well basically the lyrics and some information on the background of the song. Stay tuned...


Turkish lyrics
English lyrics

Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak;
Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak.
O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak;
O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak.
Çatma, kurban olayım çehreni ey nazlı hilâl!
Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet bu celâl?
Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl,
Hakkıdır, Hakk'a tapan, milletimin istiklâl!

Fear not; For the crimson banner that proudly ripples in this glorious dawn, shall not fade,
Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my homeland is extinguished.
For that1 is the star of my people, and it will forever shine;
It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation.
Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent!2
Smile upon my heroic nation!3 Why the anger, why the rage?4
Our blood which we shed for you shall not be worthy otherwise;
For freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshipping5 nation.

Or you can listen to the anthem by watching the video and view the lyrics both in Turkish and English as well :)

(just click on the 'full screen' buttton on the right corner below the video for a better view)

The İstiklâl Marşı means Independence March, it is an official national anthem of Turkey since March, 12 1921. Istiklal Marsi is wrote by Mehmet Akif Ersoy, composed by Osman Zeki Ungor. Generally, the theme of the anthem is one of affection for the Turkish homeland, freedom, and faith, of sacrifice for liberty, and of hope and devotion. On the other hand, the lyrics bring the deep meaning of the sacrifice of the soldiers during the war to free the country. Besides that, the anthem is commonly heard during state and military events, and during the national festivals, sport events, and school ceremonies as well. As you can see in the table above, the Turkish lyrics of the national anthem consist of a long poem with 41 lines of verse and it is perform in official ceremonies.